Can Cats and Dogs Live in the Same House?
Knowing the fact that 44% of US household have multiple pets, which commonly is the combination of cats and dogs. it’s a challenge for pet owner to get the cats and the dog on an amicable relationship. According to the animal behaviorist expert, the owner has to understand that cats and dogs are two different species and their behavior vary according to its own breed. Some dog breeds such as Maltese, Golden Retriever, Beagle & Basset Hound which are more friendly and kind to feline. Can a dog and a cat be friends?
However, please bear in mind that each dog has its own individual personality and it is advisable to match the personalities of both pets in order to establish a healthy and socialize cat-dog relationship. For an example, an old and low-energy dog might not want a new active kitten keep disturbing him. Ideally an active dog will live peacefully with an active cat and vice versa.
According to a study published by Journal of Veterinary Behavior, “One interesting finding is that it’s the cat who typically calls the shots. The comfort of the cat was a stronger predictor of amicability than the comfort of the dog. Cats are more likely to be uncomfortable around dogs than vice versa. And cats display more aggressive or antagonizing behaviors towards dogs than vice versa”
For household kitten and puppy whom is growing up together as a companion since young tend to adapt to each other existence well compared to introducing a new adult cat or a new adult dog. It is a great way for bonding since the start as both kitten and puppy will learn each other body language, boundaries and its limit. For kitten & puppy, they will have a weaker teeth and jaw and you don’t need to be fearful if they fight and hurt each other.