
How To Identify Your Cat’s Coat Type?

Do you know what fur type your kitty has? Different breeds of cats have different types of coats. Some cats have short hair, some have long. There are tabby...

Top 6 Popular Cat Breeds in United States

Ragdoll They have blue eyes and body have a lighter color than the face, ears, legs and tail. The three types of ragdoll coats are colorpoint, bicolor, and mitted....

Top 10 Cats That Don’t Shed

If you’re looking for a cozy companion and don’t mind the odd water glass, flower pot, or cereal bowl knocked off of the counter, you might be the world’s...

6 Cat Breeds that You Will Love

8th August is International Cat Day, so we think it’s the perfect time to introduce you to some of our favourite cat breeds. You’re sure to fall in love...


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