How to interpret your pup’s affectionate behavior.
What are signs your dog loves you? And how does your dog show love? A snuggle at the end of the day? Wet puppy kisses? Bringing you their prized stuffed toy?
February is a month filled with love, so in this moment, we are compelled to consider how our dogs show us their love and the true meaning of puppy love. Once we understand how our dogs show us their love, and why do dogs love humans, we can figure out the most meaningful ways to show love back to them. It all comes down to understanding your dog’s behavior, and how to tell your dog you love them.
Do Dogs Feel Love?
Does my dog know I love him? Absolutely. Not only do dogs feel love, dogs understand love. Modern science shows that dogs are incredible animals with a high level of mental function. While dogs don’t feel emotions like guilt, pride, or shame, they feel excitement, anger, distress, joy, and, most importantly, love.
One study found that like human babies, dogs that stare into our eyes activate the same hormones that help us to bond with them. Research has also found that mutual gazing and petting increased oxytocin in both the participating dogs and humans studied, demonstrating that dogs love us.
Additionally, Gregory Berns, a neuroeconomist at Emory University, found that parts of dogs’ brains light up when they hear their pet parents’ voices. The interesting part? In humans, this part of the brain is the same part that lights up when we think of something we love or are fond of.
Does My Dog Love Me?
So, why do dogs love humans? It’s likely due to a gene mutation in wolves that changed how certain wolves socialized. This led to the development of the modern dog through domestication and breeding and their fierce companionship with humans.
However, this may lead some of us to wonder do dogs feel love for their owners, or is it just an act dogs put on to “earn” food and have access to shelter?
While the food is undoubtedly a bonus, the same study by Gregory Burns found that most dogs’ neurological responses reacted to food and praise equally. Even more surprising is that 20% of these dogs had stronger responses when praised than given food. This tells us that dogs love us at least as much as food, if not more, which is pretty impressive!
Do dogs pick a favorite person?
Dogs are pack animals, and often gravitate towards a person they feel confident in as a leader. How else can you tell that your dog is in love? A variety of factors can affect who they’re drawn to, such as how affectionate or attentive they are, their overall demeanor, or how often they cater to their basic needs.