3 Easy Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipes

When it comes to giving your dog a special treat, nothing quite beats peanut butter. Whether your dog is bored with their current treats or you are looking for a healthy alternative to other recipes you’ve seen, we’ve got peanut butter treat recipes guaranteed to get your dog drooling. If you’re looking for 3 easy peanut butter dog treat recipes that you can make at home today, stick around for everything you need to know.

Is Peanut Butter Good For Dogs? 

Not all peanut butter is created equally – that’s why it’s so important to take notice of what you’re buying before making treats for your furry friend. As a general rule of thumb, stick with unsalted peanut butters that don’t contain extra sugar or additives. When in doubt, try your hand at making it at home!

While most peanut butter you’ll find out and about is relatively safe, take extra notice for peanut butter containing xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that’s toxic to dogs and can be life-threatening if left untreated. Never give your dog anything containing this harmful product.

It’s also worth noting that peanut butter should be viewed as a special treat, not a meal substitute. Just like humans, too much of anything can cause issues. So stick to the 10% rule and keep snacks to a minimum. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with giving your dog a special treat from time to time!



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