
What Easter treats can my dog eat?

What Easter treats can my dog eat?

With Easter just around the corner, many of our thoughts will be turning to treats like chocolate, egg hunts, or maybe a roast lunch with the family. But before...

Why Dogs Eat Feces

Why Dogs Eat Feces

Yes, dogs commonly eat feces. Sometimes they eat their own, and sometimes they eat other dogs, cats, or wildlife feces. Regardless, it is still gross especially when they want...

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

Grapes are a popular snack for humans, but when it comes to dogs, they can be quite dangerous. While the exact reason is not yet understood, it is known...

How To Stimulate Appetite In Dogs

How To Stimulate Appetite In Dogs

Has your dog been turning up their nose at their usual diet? Are they running in the other direction when you get out their food bowl? Most dogs will...

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit can be a tasty and healthy addition to your dog’s diet. However, not all fruits are safe for dogs to eat. Some fruits, like grapes and raisins, can...

Can Dogs Eat Peas, or Are They Dangerous?

Can Dogs Eat Peas, or Are They Dangerous?

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on your dog’s food packaging? In dry kibble, canned dog food, and fresh food recipes, you’ll probably see several human foods...

A Guide to Cleaning Dog Ears

A Guide to Cleaning Dog Ears

As a new or long-term pet owner, learning about illnesses that affect our pets is crucial. There are some telltale signs if you’ve ever noticed a sickness or skin...

Can Dogs Eat Pickles? The Sour Truth

Can Dogs Eat Pickles? The Sour Truth

The mighty pickle, with its crunchy texture and tangy, salty flavor, is a staple in kitchens everywhere. There’s no wonder why — they’re as versatile as they are delicious,...

What Thanksgiving Foods Can Dogs Eat?

Gobble, gobble, gobble – it’s turkey time! If you’re getting as excited about the Thanksgiving feast as we are here at Zesty Paws®, you might also be wondering what...


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