
How Smart Are Cats?

How Smart Are Cats?

Cats have a reputation for being aloof creatures who meow to their own tune. When it comes to cat intelligence, research is rather limited and still lags behind canine...

 Car Travel with Cats

 Car Travel with Cats

When it comes to a road trip buddy, your cat probably isn’t your first choice of partner. For many cat owners, road trips with their pets are fraught with...

6 Benefits of Therapy Pets

Therapy pets are animals that are trained to provide comfort and support to people who are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties. Whether you’re a pet owner...

Spring Cleaning Your Home

Spring Cleaning Your Home

Spring is finally here! It’s time to dust off the old cobwebs and open the windows after a long winter. What better way than to participate in some spring...

Understanding Your Cat’s Meows

The Science of Cat Vocalizations As cat owners, we often try to decipher the meaning behind our feline friend’s meows. Whether it’s a soft purr, a loud meow, or...

6 Women-Owned Pet Businesses to Support

6 Women-Owned Pet Businesses to Support

In honor of women’s history month and International Women’s Day, we are sharing six women-owned pet businesses that are changing the pet industry and offering top-quality products. Consider supporting...

How To Harness Train A Cat In 7 Easy Steps

As a loving cat parent, you probably already know that cats need physical activity and mental stimulation daily to stay healthy. And like us, they’re probably also happiest when...

Do Cats Need Supplements?

One of the questions that every cat parent asks themselves is “should I give my cat supplements?” That might sound like a silly question to some, but it’s actually...

The World According to Cats

A Look at Their Perspective on Life and How Their Lifespan Shapes It Have you ever wondered what your cat thinks about life? What are their perspectives, motivations, and...


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