
5 Common Puppy Issues

5 Common Puppy Issues

Bringing a puppy into your family and home is a joyful experience but can also be overwhelming. Puppies can often present various training issues ranging from minor inconveniences to...

Understanding Your Cat’s Meows

The Science of Cat Vocalizations As cat owners, we often try to decipher the meaning behind our feline friend’s meows. Whether it’s a soft purr, a loud meow, or...

Puppies: what to do if they’re chewing

Puppies: what to do if they’re chewing

Puppies are cute, but those little teeth can be really sharp. Not ideal when they’re chewing your slippers or new bag. We thought we’d take a look at the...

How to teach a puppy not to bite

How to teach a puppy not to bite

Welcome home puppy! Your new life as a dog parent begins, and it’s full of soft puppy cuddles and mutual affection – right? The reality is often your cute,...

Do Pets Experience Love?

Do Pets Experience Love?

Many of us see our pets as just as much a part of the family as any of the human members, which should come as no surprise. We’re continuing...

How to keep your working dog active

How to keep your working dog active

There’s plenty written about finding the perfect breed that will fit into your life – with 222 to choose from along with a whole host of mixed and cross...

How to Tell If Your Cat Is In Pain

How to Tell If Your Cat Is In Pain

It can be difficult to tell when your cat is in pain – after all, cats can’t tell us what’s wrong. But there are certain signs that you should...

How to introduce your dog to a new partner

How to introduce your dog to a new partner

After the madness of the festive season and bleakness of January, our thoughts turn to spring and, as Valentine’s Day looms, thoughts of love. But how do you introduce...

How Long Are Cats In Heat?

If you’re a parent of a female cat, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘in heat’ before. In short, it refers to when your feline friend is fertile and ready...

Who is smarter: Dogs or cats?

Who is smarter: Dogs or cats?

The ongoing debate over whether dogs or cats are the smarter species has divided pet lovers throughout history. It turns out, however, that the answer to this is not...

Do dogs smile and laugh like we do?

Do dogs smile and laugh like we do?

It surely makes you happy to see your pet with a wide grin, whether it be at snack time or during a belly scratch. Their mouth opens wide, their...

All about cat kneading

All about cat kneading

Cats make wonderful companions, but they also do strange things we don’t always understand. You may notice your cat “making biscuits” or kneading on your lap or a blanket....

Canine Christmas Code

Canine Christmas Code

For us, Christmas is usually a happy time full of love, laughter and happiness – but for our dogs the holiday season can often be a time of unpredictability,...

Why Does My Kitten Suck or Nurse on My Blankets?

Why Does My Kitten Suck or Nurse on My Blankets?

From kittenhood to adulthood, cats can be hilarious goofballs. While their playful and quirky nature makes them wonderful and entertaining companions, for observant pet owners, it can also add...


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