Good to know

What To Do When Your Dog Is Dying at Home

What To Do When Your Dog Is Dying at Home

Every dog owner knows the profound bond that forms between a human and their dog. These relationships run deep and are marked by unconditional love, trust, and years of...

How to Store Wet Dog Food

How to Store Wet Dog Food

Does your pooch go crazy for their meaty and delicious wet food diet? We’re not surprised – wet food for dogs has a delectable texture, tastes yummy and smells...

How Smart Are Cats?

How Smart Are Cats?

Cats have a reputation for being aloof creatures who meow to their own tune. When it comes to cat intelligence, research is rather limited and still lags behind canine...

 Car Travel with Cats

 Car Travel with Cats

When it comes to a road trip buddy, your cat probably isn’t your first choice of partner. For many cat owners, road trips with their pets are fraught with...

Why Dogs Eat Feces

Why Dogs Eat Feces

Yes, dogs commonly eat feces. Sometimes they eat their own, and sometimes they eat other dogs, cats, or wildlife feces. Regardless, it is still gross especially when they want...

Understanding Your Cat’s Meows

The Science of Cat Vocalizations As cat owners, we often try to decipher the meaning behind our feline friend’s meows. Whether it’s a soft purr, a loud meow, or...

How to Get Started with Training Your Dog

If you’re unsure what dog training looks like, then you’re probably not alone because many new dog owners don’t know how to begin training. The training process might look...

What Are the Best Probiotics for Dogs?

What Are the Best Probiotics for Dogs?

Written By: Dr. Rucker, Veterinary Advisor for Zesty Paws We always want the best for our furry friends’ well-being. That’s why so many pet parents are on the lookout...

What Is the Great Dane Lifespan?

What Is the Great Dane Lifespan?

Our dogs never live long enough — it’s the trade-off we make for the love and companionship they give us when they’re here with us. Unfortunately, as big as...

Ways Cats Express Love

It is a common misconception that cats don’t express love, but they actually do! The way cat’s express love is just looks different than how dogs or humans express...


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