
 Car Travel with Cats

 Car Travel with Cats

When it comes to a road trip buddy, your cat probably isn’t your first choice of partner. For many cat owners, road trips with their pets are fraught with...

Top 10 Cats That Don’t Shed

If you’re looking for a cozy companion and don’t mind the odd water glass, flower pot, or cereal bowl knocked off of the counter, you might be the world’s...

A Guide on Hiking With Your Dog

A Guide on Hiking With Your Dog

You and your pup head out for another mountainous adventure—in one version of this story you have an amazing experience, taking selfies in front of lush vistas, enjoying summer...

CBD for Nausea in Dogs

Everyone has experienced the awful discomfort of feeling nauseated, whether from something we ate or a medication’s side effect, or perhaps even the nausea that comes from a well-earned...

Tips From a Trainer

We have partnered with Ashley Parker, a professional dog trainer, to answer some of our audience’s dog-related questions. As a trainer for over three years and working in the...

Feline Genetics Through Time

Genetics and genomics both play roles in health and disease. Genetics is the study of genes and how certain traits or conditions are passed down from one generation to...


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