
10 Most Common Dog Skin Conditions

10 Most Common Dog Skin Conditions

Your dog has been a little restless lately, scratching and licking themselves more than usual. When you look over your pet, you notice something strange about his skin –...

What To Do When Your Dog Is Dying at Home

What To Do When Your Dog Is Dying at Home

Every dog owner knows the profound bond that forms between a human and their dog. These relationships run deep and are marked by unconditional love, trust, and years of...

How To Make Dog Food at Home

How To Make Dog Food at Home

There’s a burgeoning trend among dedicated pet parents worldwide to craft homemade dog meals. With growing concerns about preservatives and the nutritional value of store-bought kibble, many are taking...

The 4 Best Dog DNA Test Kits

The 4 Best Dog DNA Test Kits

In the realm of canine companionship, dog DNA testing has piqued the curiosity of pet parents everywhere. It’s not just about the thrill of discovery or solving the mystery...

Top tips for walking your dog in the dark

Top tips for walking your dog in the dark

During autumn the shorter days mean there’s less daylight for those all-important walkies. While your dog still needs their daily exercise, that afternoon stroll can feel less appealing when...

Is It Okay For Dogs To Chew On Sticks?

Is It Okay For Dogs To Chew On Sticks?

When it comes to dogs and their habits, one commonly observed behavior is their innate love for chewing on sticks. Whether it’s a fallen branch at the park or...

Mini goldendoodle breed profile 

Mini goldendoodle breed profile 

There are some dogs who just stop people in their tracks with cuteness overload. With their teddy bear good looks and cheerful personalities all wrapped up in an easy...

9 Tips to Care for Your Dog's Coat

9 Tips to Care for Your Dog’s Coat

Taking care of your dog’s coat is a crucial part of maintaining their health and well-being. The right grooming routine can promote a healthy and shiny coat while helping...

How to Store Wet Dog Food

How to Store Wet Dog Food

Does your pooch go crazy for their meaty and delicious wet food diet? We’re not surprised – wet food for dogs has a delectable texture, tastes yummy and smells...

6 Ways to Get Fit With Your Dog

6 Ways to Get Fit With Your Dog

It’s not only people who need to move their bodies. Dogs need exercise too. You and your dog make a perfect team for getting fit by exercising together! Among...

Dogs and driving: what to think about

Dogs and driving: what to think about

It’s that time of year when we start thinking about days out, holidays and exploring the countryside with our dogs. For most of us, that means driving somewhere –...

What Easter treats can my dog eat?

What Easter treats can my dog eat?

With Easter just around the corner, many of our thoughts will be turning to treats like chocolate, egg hunts, or maybe a roast lunch with the family. But before...

5 Easy Dog Tricks You Can Teach Your Pup Today

5 Easy Dog Tricks You Can Teach Your Pup Today

By: Sara Ondrako, Certified Canine Behavior Consultant Teaching your dog new tricks has many benefits beyond impressing your family and friends. Teaching them new things helps keep their brains...

Are Dog Parks Safe?

Are Dog Parks Safe?

Taking your dog to a dog park can be stressful, especially if you’ve never done it before. You might wonder about dog park safety, and you’re not alone. Plenty...


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