My Dog Drank Coffee, What Should I Do?

Your dog looks to you for guidance or advice. They see you as a parental figure, and most kids look to their parents as role models. If you drink coffee regularly, your dog might be curious about what you’re drinking.

Coffee is not as benign as the occasional slice of turkey from your sandwich or a bite of cheddar from your charcuterie board. It doesn’t offer your dog any vital nutrients, and it may be dangerous for their cardiovascular health. If your dog managed to get a taste of your coffee, here’s what you need to know.

Is It Safe for Dogs To Drink Coffee?

It’s never safe for your dog to drink coffee. Ideally, your dog should never ingest any caffeine. Dogs are designed to play intensely and promptly drop into long naps to replenish their energy. They don’t need any help from an outside source.

The only thing dogs need to drink is fresh water. There may be some occasions where a veterinarian recommends softening dog food with bone broth, like after dental surgery or when your dog is recovering from an illness. Outside of these occasional instances, water is the only liquid your dog needs.

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much Caffeine?

If your dog happens to ingest caffeine, research suggests that a dose of 150 mg per 2.2 pounds of body weight can be fatal. To put this number into perspective, the average cup of coffee you brew at home contains a little less than 100 mg of total caffeine.

Specialty coffee drinks can contain up to 350 milligrams of caffeine per 16 ounces. These drinks are often made with espresso, which is far more concentrated than drip brew coffee. The result is a much higher caffeine content per ounce than the more diluted standard ground coffee.

If your 45-pound dog drinks an entire 16-ounce specialty coffee drink, the dosage of caffeine wouldn’t be considered lethal. That doesn’t mean it isn’t toxic. You should still take the situation seriously and closely monitor your dog.

What Are the Signs of Caffeine Toxicity in Dogs?

Dogs who consume too much caffeine will share many of the same symptoms as humans who consume too much caffeine. People often describe the sensation as feeling jittery or anxious. Your dog will experience something similar.



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