
10 Most Common Dog Skin Conditions

10 Most Common Dog Skin Conditions

Your dog has been a little restless lately, scratching and licking themselves more than usual. When you look over your pet, you notice something strange about his skin –...

DIY Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs

Consult your vet before starting any skin care regimen for your dog, and stop the treatment if your dog’s symptoms remain the same or worsen. If your dog has...

Benefits of Chamomile in Dogs

Benefits of Chamomile in Dogs

Chamomile is a popular herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions in humans. However, did you know that chamomile can also be...

Why does my dog smell so bad?

Why does my dog smell so bad?

Most of our dogs have a tendency to stink every now and then, whether they rolled in something nasty, have bad breath, or never quite dried off after swimming...

5 Common Health Problems in Dog

5 Common Health Problems in Dog

Similar to humans, health problems are most common in every dog. Sometimes, these health issues can be fatal, if you’re not careful about it. As a dog owner, you...

Feline Acne

You may have noticed your cat’s face look a little dirty around the mouth or chin area. You may have even noticed some bumps there which can be several...

Top 8 Worst Dog Shampoo Ingredients

We love our pets and want only the best for them. Have you ever considered the ingredients in everyday products like dog shampoos or other “pet-friendly” cleaning solutions? If...

Don't Wash Your Cat Too Often!

Don’t Wash Your Cat Too Often!

Compared to that of humans, pets’ skin is extremely fragile and thin. Thus, bathing them too often can destroy the natural protective layer of their skin. If not properly...

How to clean pets with sensitive skin?

When we talk about cat skin diseases, the first thing that comes to many cat owners’ minds is ringworm. But in this article, we want to talk about another...

What Do Dog Fleas Look Like?

Fleas are tiny little insects, roughly around 3mm in length, with long back legs designed for jumping long distances. They don’t have wings, but they can travel quite far...

How to Care for a Hairless Sphynx Cat

So you’re thinking about getting a sphynx, and you’re unsure about the level of care they require. Not to worry, owning a sphynx cat can seem like a bit...

Butt scooting

Butt scooting

Dogs are amazing creatures, and they never cease to make us laugh. The funniest thing to see is a dog scooting across the floor. It’s hilarious, but it always...


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