What Easter treats can my dog eat?

With Easter just around the corner, many of our thoughts will be turning to treats like chocolate, egg hunts, or maybe a roast lunch with the family. But before your dog joins in the celebrations, read our guide to which Easter foods are safe for them to eat – and which to avoid!

Roast lamb

As with most meats, lamb is an excellent source of protein. This makes it a healthy and delicious food for your dog to sink their teeth into. Make sure to remove any bones – which may splinter in their mouths – and fatty skin, which is bad for their digestion.

Spring veg

Vegetables make great low-calorie snacks for dogs. Broccoli, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and spinach are all high in vitamins in fibre, and perfect additions to your dog’s diet.

However, garlic and onions are toxic to dogs, and can wreak havoc on their kidneys. Even if your veg has been cooked with just a hint of garlic, make sure you keep it away from your dog.

For an extra-special, veg-packed Easter treat, try whipping up our cracking carrot cake recipe for your dog.


Cooked eggs are high in proteins and fatty acids, but should be an occasional treat. This article tells you all you need to know about feeding your dog eggs safely.



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