
Top tips for walking your dog in the dark

Top tips for walking your dog in the dark

During autumn the shorter days mean there’s less daylight for those all-important walkies. While your dog still needs their daily exercise, that afternoon stroll can feel less appealing when...

Dogs and driving: what to think about

Dogs and driving: what to think about

It’s that time of year when we start thinking about days out, holidays and exploring the countryside with our dogs. For most of us, that means driving somewhere –...

What Easter treats can my dog eat?

What Easter treats can my dog eat?

With Easter just around the corner, many of our thoughts will be turning to treats like chocolate, egg hunts, or maybe a roast lunch with the family. But before...

Puppies: what to do if they’re chewing

Puppies: what to do if they’re chewing

Puppies are cute, but those little teeth can be really sharp. Not ideal when they’re chewing your slippers or new bag. We thought we’d take a look at the...

How to teach a puppy not to bite

How to teach a puppy not to bite

Welcome home puppy! Your new life as a dog parent begins, and it’s full of soft puppy cuddles and mutual affection – right? The reality is often your cute,...

How to keep your working dog active

How to keep your working dog active

There’s plenty written about finding the perfect breed that will fit into your life – with 222 to choose from along with a whole host of mixed and cross...

How to introduce your dog to a new partner

How to introduce your dog to a new partner

After the madness of the festive season and bleakness of January, our thoughts turn to spring and, as Valentine’s Day looms, thoughts of love. But how do you introduce...

Canine Christmas Code

Canine Christmas Code

For us, Christmas is usually a happy time full of love, laughter and happiness – but for our dogs the holiday season can often be a time of unpredictability,...

What are the signs your dog loves you?

What are the signs your dog loves you?

Love is one of those strange things that you recognise when you see it but can’t really put your finger on describing exactly what it is… It’s just a...

Walk, don’t walk.

Walk, don’t walk

Part of life with our dogs is the daily – or twice daily – dog walk. When we look to take a dog into our lives, one of the...

It’s party time – or is it?

It’s party time – or is it?

We all love a party – but the type of party we like varies from person to person. For the extrovert social butterflies amongst us, a huge get-together with...

Money saving tips for dog owners

Keeping your dog happy and healthy doesn’t have to cost the earth, but owning a dog can add up. Food, toys, vet bills, and insurance all cost money –...

How To Choose A Responsible Breeder

You’ve set your heart on a new puppy. It’s a very exciting time! But before you take the leap, let’s talk a bit about whether your puppy is right...


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