CBD for Nausea in Dogs

Everyone has experienced the awful discomfort of feeling nauseated, whether from something we ate or a medication’s side effect, or perhaps even the nausea that comes from a well-earned hangover. If you know that feeling, then you also know we’re not our best selves when we’re feeling nauseated, it can negatively affect our appetite, mood, and behavior. Our dogs can also experience nausea, and even if they’re not vomiting, pet parents may see signs of changed behavior, appetite and mood. Thankfully, there are all natural remedies for nausea in dogs, including Full Spectrum CBD, which interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to regulate nausea.

Symptoms of Nausea in Dogs

You have likely experienced that uncomfortable feeling in your stomach referred to as nausea, but how do you know when your dog is nauseated? An obvious indicator that your dog is nauseated is seeing them throw up, but nausea does not always result in vomiting. Luckily, there are other signs to look for, if your dog is experiencing nausea.

  • Behavior — Most dogs who are feeling nauseated will exhibit a change in their usual behavior. They may become quiet, seeking solitude, or perhaps their owner’s comfort. They also may not tolerate another dog’s playful behavior, and may even growl to warn away their playmate.
  • Appetite — Nausea can also cause a change in appetite. Dogs feeling nauseated, or experiencing an upset stomach will not be interested in their food, and may even turn down their favorite treats.
  • Saliva — Excessive salivation and drooling, as well as repeated swallowing, are also common signs indicating nausea in dogs.

What Causes Nausea in Dogs?

Numerous ailments, ranging from dietary indiscretions to serious, life-threatening diseases, can result in nausea in dogs. The vomiting center of the brain resides in the dog’s medulla oblongata and, when triggered, nausea occurs, which may be followed by vomiting. This region of the brain can be activated by four principal areas:

  • Gastrointestinal tract — Nausea may be triggered by an infection, inappropriate foods, or a blockage of the GI tract.
  • Vestibular system — Nausea can be triggered by abnormalities or disruptions in the inner ear, such as when a dog experiences motion sickness and is car sick.
  • Chemoreceptor trigger zone — Nausea can be triggered by this area of the brain, as it receives input from drugs and hormones.
  • Cortex and thalamus — Nausea may be triggered by these regions of the brain, in reaction to extreme stress or pain.

Nausea in Dogs: When To Be Concerned

If your dog seems nauseated for only a short period, or vomits after a meal and then continues to act normally, they are likely not suffering from a serious issue.

Factors that do indicate they require veterinary attention include:



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