Can Dogs Eat Squash and How Much Is Healthy?

Whether it’s summer or winter, there always seems to be a different type of squash in season and on sale. And if you have a surplus of squash, you may wonder whether it’s safe to share this seasonal crop with your best friend. So, can dogs eat squash?

Yes, dogs can eat squash. In fact, feeding squash to your furry friend can have a number of health benefits. But different types of squash have different nutritional benefits, and they need to be prepared differently to avoid upsetting your dog’s stomach. Plus, if you’re considering giving your dog seasoned squash from last night’s leftovers, there are a few things you should know first.

Here’s a look at the different types of squash your dog can eat, tips to share squash safely, and the potential benefits for your best friend.

Can Dogs Eat Squash of All Varieties? Summer vs. Winter Squash

Can dogs eat squash: various types of pumpkin and squash on a wooden table

All types of squash are safe for dogs to eat. This includes summer squash like zucchini, yellow squash, and pattypan squash, as well as winter squash like pumpkin, butternut squash, acorn squash, delicata squash, and spaghetti squash. However, summer squash and winter squash need to be prepared differently before your dog can eat them.

How Can Dogs Eat Squash Safely? Tips for Preparing This Veggie

Can dogs eat squash: dog looking at a person chopping a cucumber

So, how can dogs eat squash safely? As a general rule of thumb, you should never feed your dog any part of a fruit or vegetable that you wouldn’t eat yourself.

Preparing Summer Squash

With a summer squash like zucchini, you eat the skin and seeds, and these parts are safe for your dog, too. But, you should make sure to top and tail the summer squash — removing the stem and butt from your zucchini, yellow squash, or pattypan — before giving it to your dog.

The stem of summer squash is too fibrous to digest easily and can wreak havoc on your dog’s digestive system if consumed. And because the stem is hard to chew, it can also be a choking hazard.

Never allow your dog to gnaw on a whole squash. Aside from the risk of them eating the stem, this would be too large of a serving, even for a large dog. Instead, always cut the squash into small pieces before feeding it to your dog — and aim for extra small, bite-sized pieces if you’re feeding it to a small dog.

You can let your dog eat raw summer squash. Much like how raw zucchini is healthy for humans, it’s also one of the best ways to share these veggies with your dog. If you’d prefer to give your pooch cooked summer squash, keep it simple and plain by steaming or baking it with no additional ingredients.

While it’s okay to add a small amount of olive oil (as long as your dog doesn’t suffer from pancreatitis), you should avoid adding salt and other seasonings. Dogs can eat a small amount of salt, but extra salt in their diet isn’t good for them. And many seasonings, including garlic, onions, and other members of the allium family, are toxic to dogs. So, stick to plain, unseasoned squash to keep your dog safe.



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