5 Tips To Make Bath Time Better

Rowan dog in towel

Time for the bath time drill and your fuzzy friend is hiding under the bed? Here are some steps to make for a better bath experience for you and your dog.

1. Keep it stress-free.

Many dogs dread bath time so reassure your dog that it’s all ok. Keep your voice calm and comforting. Use a sink, bath or shower that gives your dog some room but contains them safely. Be sure to use tepid or warm water and keep the water pressure gentle. Never leave your dog unattended during bath time and keep the water draining.

2. Give longer hair extra care.

Brush longer coats before bathing to help smooth hair out and reduce painful tangles.

3. Gentle Wash.

Start by washing your dog’s chest, belly and legs as they are lower to the ground and usually get dirtier. Then, work your way up and clean from the back of the ears to the tail. Make sure you are massaging the soap in the direction of the coat to avoid irritation. Always keep soap and water away from your dog’s ears and eyes.



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