6 Questions To Ask a Veterinarian at Your Pet’s Next Visit

Owning a pet comes with its share of responsibilities, including regular veterinary visits. By taking your companion animal to the doctor regularly, you can maintain his or her overall health and prevent the development of diseases or ailments.

Most of the time, your pet’s veterinary team will ask a series of important questions pertaining to your pet’s health (diet, weight, behavior, etc), but in order to make the most out of your visit, you should have questions of your own as well. Here are six good questions to ask a veterinarian during your pet’s next visit.

#1- Is my pet’s behavior normal?

Just like people, companion animals have quirks that make them unique. However, if a certain pet behavior strikes you as odd, it’s worth asking your veterinary professional about why the animal might behave in this way. Because certain behaviors can indicate health issues, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Most of the time, you’ll find that a pet’s peculiar behavior is not harmful, but it’s wise to be vigilant. Keep a list of behaviors written down between vet visits so that you can put your mind at ease about the way your pet acts at home. Note when the behavior started, how long the pet has been acting this way, and any possible triggers for it.

#2- Does my pet need a dental cleaning?



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