Can Dogs Eat Apples? What Pet Owners Must Know

Apples are one of the most popular fruits; they ranked among the top three fruits produced in the world because the demand is so high. That’s because they’re high in the following nutrients and minerals:

  • Insoluble and soluble fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Phytochemicals such as pectin, catechin, quercetin, anthocyanin, and chlorogenic acid

So, it’s true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But does this go for dogs as well?

The answer is yes: apples are an excellent snack for your dogs! You just need to know how to prepare this delicious superfruit as a snack for your dog.

Here’s what you should know about letting dogs eat apples.

Is It Safe for Dogs to Eat Apples?

Yes, it is safe to let dogs eat apples. It is not only a safe snack but also an inexpensive treat that tastes good to animals. If you have an overweight dog and are looking for a low-calorie treat, this is one of the best options you can get for your furry friend.

When sliced or cubed, you can use them as everyday treats or rewards during obedience training sessions with the puppies. That’s a great way to reward your dog for behaving at the training session with something nutritious.

However, there are some safety considerations before your pet eat apples:

Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Apples? | Innovet Pet
  • You need to provide them with apples in moderation.
  • You also need to remove the apple seeds before you serve your dog. Apple seeds contain cyanide, which though in small amounts, is still poisonous to your furry friend.
  • The core, which includes the seeds, is also a choking hazard for puppies and smaller dogs.

Are Apples Beneficial for Dogs?

Apples are beneficial to your pet in many ways. Here are the most vital benefits if dogs eat apples:

Apples Are A Super-Food

Apples can be highly nutritious when fed to your furry companion as part of a regular diet. This superfruit is a source of vitamin C. It also contains low protein and fat levels, which can be highly beneficial to older dogs that struggle with a digestive system that’s sensitive to high protein and fat diets.

Dental Health

Apples are the best natural source of malic acid. Studies show that malic acid is a less stressful way to keep your dog’s oral hygiene in top shape, compared to medication. Malic acid even improves saliva production. This not only prevents oral bacteria from overgrowing but also keeps your dog’s teeth fresh.



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