Can Humans Take Dog CBD Oil?

CBD oil is one of the most beautiful additions to the health niche. It provides multiple key health benefits for humans…and dogs, too!

Maybe you provide your dog with a few drops of CBD oil to help them with travel anxiety, sore joints, or sleep. After all, our pets deserve just as much relaxation and luxury as humans do. After a point, you may wonder what the difference between dog CBD oil and human CBD oil is.

Can humans take dog CBD oil? Are there any dangers or side effects you should know about? Continue reading to learn more.

Breaking Down the Benefits of CBD Oil

Before we dive into the differences between dog and human CBD oil, let’s break down the overall benefits. This excellent ingredient has quickly caught on in health spaces for its ease of use and fantastic results.

CBD oil comes from the cannabis plant. While the cannabis plant is sometimes confused for the hemp plant, they’re pretty different. CBD uses the leaves and stalks of the plant, while hemp uses the seeds. Unlike marijuana, consuming CBD alone doesn’t leave you with a high sensation.

Does CBD Oil Have THC?

You don’t need to worry about strange side effects for you or your dog when you purchase CBD products. As long as your purchase is explicitly labeled ‘THC-Free’, you’re good to go.

THC is the ingredient in the cannabis plant that creates psychoactive side-effects. CBD oil lacks the THC needed to feel floaty or high, instead giving the user a slew of benefits such as:

As it stands, dogs can enjoy many of the same benefits with a few drops of a CBD tincture. These are commonly put in their food, though they can be distributed directly on the tongue. You need to make sure you’re purchasing the right products with pet-safe ingredients, which we’ll explore more below.

The Different Forms of CBD

Variety is the spice of life. CBD oil is just one of many forms consumers purchase to relieve their pain, headaches, or insomnia issues.

CBD Oil (Also Known as CBD Tincture)

CBD oil is a finely concentrated tincture that can be consumed or applied topically. Just a few drops on the tongue are enough to give you relief and relaxation for hours.

CBD Gummies

These CBD products are great because you can just pop them and go. It’s common for consumers to eat a few a day, though the appropriate amount depends on the strength of the gummy.

CBD Lotion or Cream

Topical solutions benefit mightily from CBD. People with sensitive, dry, or irritated skin love CBD lotions and creams to relieve redness.



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