CBD for Dogs Reviews: Pain

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When your dogs experience pain, do you have the proper tools on hand to manage it safely and effectively? If you have access to a high quality Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (FSHE), then the answer is an overwhelming YES!

Strategies used to manage pain and inflammation in conventional veterinary medicine are typically pretty narrow in scope. They overwhelmingly turn to one tool: pharmaceuticals. Not only do these drugs fail to get to the root of the issue, simply masking the symptoms, they also can cause a host of side effects including liver and kidney damage, GI upset, and neurological impairments.

There has got to be a better option, right? YES! Enter Full Spectrum Hemp Extract; one of the most powerful, effective, and safest tools available for managing all types of pain and inflammation! By activating and utilizing the endocannabinoid system, FSHE works to relieve and reduce inflammation and pain naturally, without harmful long term effects.

Want to learn more about holistic alternatives to pharmaceuticals? CBD Dog Health is a proud sponsor of Your Natural Dog’s DO NO HARM live event on September 22, 2022, learn from expert speakers how holistic medicine not only helps, but also does no harm. Register today for your FREE ticket!

We could talk all day about the amazing benefits of holistic medicine for dogs with arthritis, aches, pains, and inflammation, but let’s hear what our real-life customers have to say about using CBD Dog Health products to manage their pets’ pain!



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