Chemical castration implants for dogs – an alternative to surgical dog castration

Considering castrating or neutering your male dog? Surgical castration is not the only option. You could also look into chemical castration, also known as a Suprelorin implant. Unlike surgery with permanent effects, this means your dog can be temporarily castrated with a small chemical injection. Learn more about Suprelorin, the dog castration implant, and see if this is the right option for your buddy. When you’re done, check out other helpful guides for dog parents on the Tractive blog.

Why castrate a male dog?

There are several reasons why dog parents choose to castrate (neuter) their male dogs. Left uncastrated, male dogs produce both sperm and testosterone, which can have some undesired or unplanned consequences. These include:

  • Puppies – you might have an unexpected grandpup if your dog gets another dog pregnant.
  • Overpopulation & welfare issues – some people unfortunately are not able to (or don’t want to) take care of new puppies; which can lead to more strays or shelter dogs.
  • Behavioral issues – such as humping, urine marking, aggression, and even running away from home.
  • Disease – your dog might have a greater chance of getting testicular cancer or prostate disease if left unneutered.

Dog parents who want to castrate their male dog(s) to prevent these issues have two options: surgical or chemical castration.

What is chemical castration for dogs and how does it work?



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