Don’t leave dogs in hot cars

Summer – and hopefully some warmer weather – is just around the corner. While most people can’t wait for rising temperatures, the dog owners among us are starting to think about what steps we are going to take to keep our canine friends safe if we need to take them out in the car.

Don't leave dogs in hot cars

You’ve probably heard that it’s dangerous to leave your dog unattended in a hot car. Sadly, many owners still think that nothing bad will ever happen to their dog, and gamble with their four-legged friend’s life every summer. Unfortunately, some dogs do die every year as a result of being left in a hot car.
What happens to dogs in hot cars?
Many owners believe that parking their vehicle out of direct sunlight, leaving a window cracked open or having water accessible is enough to keep their dog comfortable. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Temperatures rise much more quickly inside a vehicle than outside, essentially turning the interior into an oven. For example:

– If it’s 24°C outside, temperatures inside a car can reach 40°C in 20 minutes.

– If it’s 26.5°C outside, temperatures inside a car can reach nearly 43°C in 20 minutes.

– At 29.5°C outside, it takes just 10 minutes to reach 40°C inside the car.

When a dog is very hot, panting just isn’t enough to cool their bodies down. Just a 2°C increase your furry pal’s body temperature is enough to trigger heatstroke, and this can prove fatal in as little as 15 minutes.
How to tell if a dog has heatstroke

Hot dogs in cars Infographic

Signs that a dog may have heatstroke include:

– Heavy panting
– Seeming drowsy/fatigued
– Dribbling
– Vomiting/diarrhoea
– Weakness
– Unconsciousness



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