Holiday Hazards: How to Keep Your Pet Safe

Already putting up your holiday decorations? Don’t worry! We’re not judging. 😉

Now that the holidays are coming around, it’s extra important to make sure your four-legged friend stays safe and Zesty for all the festivities to come! That’s why we’re here to share a few handy holiday tips to get you and your furry fave ready for a fun time.

When I think of the holidays, a huge feast always comes to mind. I’m especially a sucker for a good dessert table! But, even though it might be tempting to share, be sure to “people food” out of reach from your pets.

This includes our beloved holiday desserts and treats such as chocolates, which contain the toxic sweetener Xylitol which may cause an upset stomach. Another tip is to avoid the temptation to share leftovers or unwanted bones. In particular, bones have splinters and can harm pets by puncturing their intestinal tracts which is painful and can be deadly. In general, a few specific foods to avoid are nuts, garlic, onions, cheese, and grapes.

You can make your dog feel extra special for the holidays with Zesty Paws® Flavor Infusions. These delicious products focus on your pet’s continued functional wellness… and they taste impossibly amazing, too!

Keep holiday plants away from pets, as beautiful as they are. Seasonal plants may cause nausea, vomiting and dog diarrhea for pets if ingested. Some holiday plants that are extra harmful and toxic to pets include:



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