How CBD Helped Belle’s Hip Dysplasia

Belle's Story with CBD

Belle was always an active dog. Her owner, Sandra describes the now 12 year old shepherd, wolf hound as one who loves to run fast, play hard and hop around the fields behind their house.

Like many dogs, as Belle got into her senior years her pet parents started to notice some changes in her mobility. Her hips started to show signs of weakness and discomfort and after a few triggering events, she began to lose her mobility faster and faster.

Unfortunately, some breeds, no matter how well loved and cared for, can be prone to certain degenerative diseases. German shepherds, a breed from which Belle certainly takes some genetic heritage, are prone to issues with the hind quarters. Hip dysplasia is extremely common in this breed, and often leads to a debilitating pain and loss of mobility.

Signs of Arthritis and Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

“Some of the things that would happen is, her legs would slide out and she kind of do a straddle split. When we would walk, if we’d hit a curb, she’d fall over a couple times when she was going to the bathroom, she fell.”

Sanda knew that keeping Belle active would be an important part of making sure she stayed healthy as she aged, but it became increasingly difficult. Belle would resist going on walks, would get sore quickly and wouldn’t want to play with her doggy sister, Pups as much as before.

With every other aspect of her health in pretty fine condition, Sandra was determined that this would not be the thing to ruin her dog’s quality of life.

“I really didn’t want to see her legs give out before the rest of her body. It’s hard watching an older dog that was very active, not be able to do some of the stuff she used to do.”, Sandra says

Thankfully, Sandra was quick to get Belle on the Ease tincture, containing full-spectrum CBD for dogs as well as a number of other natural healing therapies.

Natural Solutions for Arthritis in Dogs

Belle could not have been luckier when it comes to the family she ended up with. They not only had a familiarity with western style medicine (Sandra’s husband being a pediatrician), but Sandra also clearly has great instincts with principles of holistic medicine.

“I’m a little out there” she says, with a smirk, making ‘woo-woo’ gestures with her hands

Despite her conventional vet’s trepidation, Sandra decided it would be helpful for Belle to start eating a raw food diet to help her gain back some of the weight she had lost. This nutrient dense, species appropriate food worked wonders and helped a lot with Belle’s symptoms.

Sandra also credits much of her success in helping Belle, to her relationship with holistic veterinarian, Dr. Paul Rowan at The Center for Animal Healing in Virginia Beach, VA.

The Center For Animal Healing

The Center For Animal Healing is known for the holistic treatment options they offer their clients. After practicing conventional medicine for many years, Dr. Rowan switched his specialty to entirely holistic methods. Specializing in chiropractic, acupuncture, food therapy and most importantly microcurrent therapy!

One of the central parts of Belle’s recovery was the use of minute, electrical currents meant to stimulate blood flow and encourage the body’s natural healing processes. Microcurrent therapy is an incredibly effective tool for treating inflammatory and degenerative conditions like hip-dysplasia, arthritis and myoclonus.



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