Giving your four-legged friend a bath is somewhat a celebration-worthy challenge, every time. Your pup is wet, smells like dog, and of course, shakes and drenches you in dirty water. Not to mention rubs themselves all over your carpet or couch after they’re free from the tub. It’s all worth it in the end to have a clean pup to cuddle, right? A fresh, clean, and smell-good pooch is definitely a bragging point until the next bath is overdue.
As rewarding and happy as your canine best friend may seem on their freshly showered days, bathing your puppers is not something you should be doing frequently, in all actuality.
So just how frequency should you be washing your dog?
Why Do I Need to Give my Dog a Bath?
Whether or not you send your pup to a pet spa day or just tackle bath time alone with your anti-bath doggo, regular grooming and cleaning has its benefits, similar to how it does for us humans.
Dogs drool, sweat, get dirty, and have body odor that isn’t absorbed by clothing. Giving your dog a bath reduces unwanted smells and odors in your home sweet home. It doesn’t hurt giving their bed or pillow a wash either.
Bathing your dog is one of the numerous ways you can groom and nurture your dog’s skin and hair. Their skin is one of the largest organs in their body. Just as we can be exposed to different temperatures, environments, and allergens, so can our cute furry friends, making them susceptible to irritants (unfortunately).
The skin creates a nice protective barrier against these potential invaders that can impact your doggo’s health and wellness. This is why it’s so important to give your dog proper attention, mentally and physically. Ignoring or neglecting your dog’s need for a bath can often lead to a wide array of infections, bacteria, or yeast growth.
Ear care and nail clipping routines every few weeks are also super important in your dog’s care. However, there are a number of reasons why regular grooming can be considered necessary for your doggo.
One of the best reasons for bathing your dog is to avoid or tackle fleas. Fleas absolutely hate water and soap, so giving your pup a good scrub down should help wash away some of these irritating bugs. Be sure to brush your dog with a flea comb too, this can help wash out any critters that survived the bath wash.
If you’re wanting to help soothe and moisturize your dog’s coat and skin, you can also apply coconut oil directly. They may even thank you later!
Regular Care
The hairier your dog is, the more work you’ll likely have to put in to take care of their luscious mane. Curly-haired dogs are especially more inclined to catching foxtails, debris, burrs, and knots.
If you dog your long-haired doggo often, their coat should be in good condition, with, hopefully, minimal hair needing extra attention.
Skin Allergies
Some skin issues can affect pets and can only be treated with prescribed products. For instance, dandruff and dog eczema can be extremely irritating and itchy for fido and is often caused by allergens in their environment. Potential allergens could be something as small as an insect bite, an ingredient in their food, or even a product you use on a daily basis on yourself. Talk with your veterinarian about the best treatment routes for potential skin and allergy concerns for your puppers, as they may be able to provide you with some soothing recommendations.