Is Breed-Specific Nutrition Necessary?

Every dog is unique! Your pet has his own dietary needs that may differ from the dog next door…and the one down the street. But, does that mean you should feed a breed-specific diet? One that’s marketed as a ‘large breed dog food’ for your Great Dane, or one that claims it’s a ‘small breed dog food’ for your Chihuahua?

The answer’s not a simple yes, or no. Instead, it depends on your individual pet’s needs. But, in this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about breed-specific nutrition to help you determine whether or not you want to look for food that’s designed with your particular pet’s breed in mind.

What is Breed-Specific Dog Food?

There are dog food diets specially formulated with a particular dog or cat breed in mind. Typically, they take into account health issues that certain breeds are genetically predisposed to experience. They’re also formulated with size in mind.

Breed-specific diets may claim they’re formulated as a small breed dog food. They may claim that they are a large breed dog food. But, it can be tough to determine what size our dog is. How do you know if your pet fits within the category of a ‘large vs ‘small’ breed?

A good thing to note is that there isn’t much regulation when it comes to terminology and labeling. So, take any breed-specific diet with a grain of salt! There’s no clear cutoff between a large breed dog vs a medium breed dog and a small breed dog. That said, there are certain formulas that can better support a large dog vs. a small dog.

How Do You Choose The Best Large Breed Dog Food?

When you have a huge pup, who’s a gentle giant and massive in stature, he can benefit from a diet that takes these things into consideration:



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