List of Harmful Pet Shampoo Ingredients to avoid

Instead of hiring a groomer and pay for expensive grooming bill at pet salon, nowadays we can enjoy the convenience of bathing & grooming our cats and dogs at home with a wide variety of pet shampoo and grooming wipes in the market. However, do you know that there are some harmful pet shampoo ingredients contain artificial coloring and chemical that harm your furry-friend skin & body. Some of the toxic pet shampoo ingredients below are not recommended by the groomer.

Parabens are used in dog shampoo to serve as an antibacterial function and keep the shelf life of pet shampoo.  Parabens are chemical such as Methlyparaben, Propylparaben and Isopropyl paraben. Parabens cause allergies within dogs and some of the symptoms are skin rash, irritation, dry hair skin and hair loss problem. Serious allergic problem to parabens may cause vomiting and diarrhea. Dogs have lesser skin layer than human therefore some dogs might be allergic to even small amount of parabens. If your dogs develop a mild allergic reaction to the medicated shampoo or shampoo that contain parabens, quickly rinse them with water or mild dish soap.

Artificial Fragrances & Color

Dog smell sense are 50 times stronger than human. Beware of dog shampoo that smells good, in fact the fragrances contain Phthalates that disturb dog hormone- Endocrine System. Artificial fragrance is often made with petrochemical substances such as Benzaldehyde, Ethanol and Ethyl acetate. It will cause nervous system disorders and respiratory problem. Some of this synthetic scent is the root cause of cancer to dogs. It worsens the case if the fragrance shampoo comes with the artificial color and your dog accidentally lick on it and then get indigested. The PH of dog skin is around ph 7.5 to 8, which is slightly alkaline than human skin PH and human shampoo is definitely a NO-NO to apply on our dogs.  Opt for shampoo aroma which is derived from natural plants extraction instead.



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