Puppy Weight Calculator & Breed Size Growth Schedule

Many new puppy owners wonder if their dog will grow to be big for its breed, small for its breed, or spot on average. That is if you even know your puppy’s breed at all! Use our handy puppy weight calculator to get an accurate idea of how much your doggo will weigh when it’s fully grown. 

Is your wriggly puppy growing like a weed before your eyes? It always seems to happen more quickly than we expect.

How big will my puppy get?

Whether you’ve adopted a pure-breed and have a good idea of size averages or adopted a mystery pup that could end being 20 or 80 pounds at the 1-year mark, you’ve probably wondered, “How big will my dog get?”

That’s why we built this easy formula to give you a rough estimate on how big your dog will grow. It’s not perfect, but this dog weight calculator gives a reasonably good indicator of how much weight you’ll be lugging along on adventures once your pup is fully grown into an adult dog.

Follow our dog size chart broken down by breed and use our formula to find out just how big your furry pal will get. 

How big will my puppy get?

It’s the age-old question every new owner wants to know. There’s the old notion that the paws will tell you, but they’re not exactly a measurable indicator you can use with any accuracy.

These days, the best way to tell how big your dog will be is with a puppy height and weight calculator. By taking your puppy’s current weight, dividing it by their age, and multiplying by 52, you can get a better idea of how big your pup will be by the time they hit their first birthday.

When do dogs stop growing?

For most pups, they stop growing between 1-2 years. On average, dogs take 12 months to mature, but the larger the breed, the longer the process, with giant breeds tending to take the entire two years to reach their full height and weight potential.

Because our puppy weight calculator uses a one-year timespan, you might find your dog getting a little larger than the calculation. If you’d like, adjust the number 52 (52 weeks for a 1-year measurement) to a higher number. Though beware that growth starts to taper off after the 1-year mark, so the measurement will become less and less accurate with any adjustments you make.

How heavy should my dog be?



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