Rimadyl for Dogs: Side Effects, Dosage, and Alternatives

Dogs undergo illness and disease like any other animal, which on occasion may call for prescribed medication as part of a treatment plan. As a result, your dog could respond unfavorably to certain medications due to allergies, how he metabolizes the drug, or a bad combination of certain prescription medications with other drugs or foods.

What is Rimadyl for Dogs?

Rimadyl, a brand name for the veterinarian drug Carprofen, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (commonly referred to as a NSAID). It is often prescribed to help alleviate pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis in dogs or is given post-surgery. Side effects of NSAIDs for dogs may include:

  • Decrease in appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Black, tarry stools
  • Changes in skin
  • Changes in urination habits

If your dog has been prescribed Rimadyl, make sure you keep a close eye on him for any adverse reaction, especially within the first several hours after administering the drug. Consult your veterinarian immediately should any of these side effects appear, as they could be indicative of more severe, internal problems like bleeding ulcers or kidney and liver problems in dogs.

Always ensure you understand the risks and side effects that come with any medication to prepare for any unfavorable results. When starting any new prescription for your pet, make sure to adhere to the prescribed dosage amount and time between administering the drug to avoid adverse reactions. A daily dosage of 2 mg per pound is commonly prescribed and administered either once daily or divided into two half doses as a chewable tablet. Notate as much as you can if there are changes in your pet’s appearance or behavior, so you can describe them accurately to your veterinarian, if necessary.

Side effects may not occur right away or they may lessen over time. Schedule regular checkups with your pet’s veterinarian to confirm that the prescription medication doesn’t need to be changed or discontinued altogether. What works for some pets may not be the best course of treatment for your dog.



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