Stress-Free Holiday Travel with Pets: How to Travel Safely With Your Dog

Will your dog travel with you when you visit your relatives this holiday season? Or are you planning to take them along on your holiday vacation, meaning they’ll be with you in your hotel, at the Airbnb, or in your tent or camper?

Regardless of travel specifics, you (and your dog) deserve a stress-free holiday season. Taking your dog on a Christmas or New Year’s trip doesn’t have to be an emotionally exhausting or nerve-wracking experience. And it definitely won’t be if you follow our guide to safe pet travel.

Visiting Family

Visiting Fam

Family environments can challenging if your dog has never stayed at a parent, sibling, cousin, or partner’s home before.

It will undoubtedly be filled with unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells, and possibly involve other pets or rambunctious children that your dog won’t know and may not trust. Your previously secure dog may suddenly want to be around you all the time. They may become anxious and distressed if you put their bed or crate downstairs while you’re up in the guest room. If they whine or bark all night, you may bear the wrath of your sleep-deprived loved ones in the morning.

Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe While Visiting Family

Bringing your dog along on a holiday visit is a challenge for your dog. But with your assistance, it’s a challenge they can overcome.

Here’s what you can do to ensure your dog’s comfort and happiness while in your family member’s home:

  • Clear it with the homeowner first and with other family members who will be there. If the homeowner has any objections to you bringing your dog, that could be a dealbreaker. But you should also reconsider if you find out someone in your family has a dog allergy, a small child frightened of dogs or a pet that doesn’t get along with other animals. No matter what, you shouldn’t court trouble by bringing your dog along. That could create stress that your dog will sense.
  • Bring all the necessary supplies. Don’t assume that you’ll be able to get your dog’s favorite foods where you’ll be visiting. The same goes for any medications or supplements your dog has been taking. You should also bring your dog’s food and water dishes and their bed or sleeping crate to make the new environment seem like their “home away from home.”
  • Don’t expect your dog to sleep far away from you. Your dog will likely feel vulnerable if they can’t see or be close to you at night. Consequently, the sleeping arrangements should ideally put you where your dog’s bed or crate can be close by.
  • Work out the logistics with other pet parents who will be at the family event. If multiple pets are at family gatherings, you should discuss how to handle that situation with the other pet parents. Some pets—possibly including your dog—may need to be segregated from others if previous behavioral patterns suggest there could be conflicts.
  • Maintain your everyday routines. Your dog’s walking and feeding schedules should match your home routines. This will help them feel more secure and at ease. Consider adding an extra walk or two each day to your schedule, since dogs enjoy time spent outdoors with their favorite humans.
  • Don’t let them eat or drink from other pet dishes. If they eat or drink from the same bowls as other pets, they could be vulnerable to parasites or bacteria left by the other animals. Likewise, your dog could pass pathogens on to other pets.
  • Set firm boundaries. Everyone should know when and how to approach your dog, including adults and children. Your dog may not enjoy too much petting or attention or be timid around children or be prone to nipping or growling if people get too close.
  • Make sure your dog has a quiet and safe retreat space. Holiday celebrations can get raucous, loud and chaotic. While events are ongoing, your dog should have a quiet place to retreat to, where they can be protected from too much noise, movement and general overstimulation. You should visit them periodically, so they know you haven’t forgotten them.



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