
6 Benefits of Therapy Pets

Therapy pets are animals that are trained to provide comfort and support to people who are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties. Whether you’re a pet owner...

How Dogs Improve Mental Health

How Dogs Improve Mental Health

Pets come with some powerful health benefits. Especially dogs. Cats can be wonderful too, but dogs have been domesticated by humans for much, much longer, and, as even the...

Your Guide to Dog Mental Health

Just like humans, dogs experience ups and downs in their mental health. Sometimes, these dips can be temporary — while other times, they can become more chronic. Whether your...

5 Ways Dogs Help Your Mental Health

There’s a reason the number of dog adoptions increased dramatically during the pandemic. The human-dog connection is a strong one—and caring for a pup also brings huge benefits to...

Can Dogs Have Mental Illness?

Mental illness can be debilitating, life-altering. Whether it’s a minor issue or something more severe, left unaddressed and untreated, such conditions are only likely to worsen. But mental illness...


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