Taking Your Dog on Vacation: What You Need to Bring

If you’re anything like us here at Dope Dog, you want to take your canine companion everywhere with you. Whether it’s an overnight stay at a pet-friendly hotel, a cross-country road trip, or a camping getaway at your favorite spot, it’s essential to pack everything your dog needs to be safe and comfortable on the trip.

Here are the must-haves you should pack when taking your dog on vacation.

The Ultimate List of What to Bring for Your Dog on Vacation

1.Plenty of Food and Water

One of the most important things to bring for your dog when going on vacation is plenty of water and enough kibble or wet food to last the entire trip. Of course, it’s a fun trip with your furry friend, so you’ll probably be sharing some snacks with them along the way, but it’s best to try to stick to their regular diet as much as possible to prevent stomach issues. We like to bring along collapsible water dishes—it makes it easy to make a quick stop and let them lap up some water!

2. Their Collar, Tags, and Leash

Many of us let our dogs off-leash, especially in more remote areas, but you should be wary of doing so when you take breaks at places like a rest stop. It’s better to play it safe and keep their collar and leash on at all times when they aren’t in the car—it’s easy for your pup to get excited in a new place, and you don’t want to be chasing them around a crowded area, especially when rest stops usually have lots of traffic! It’s also super important to ensure that your pup has their tags on with your contact information in case they do happen to get lost.

3.Their Vaccination Records

No matter where you’re traveling to, you should also plan to bring along your pup’s vaccination records. It’s even more important if you’re crossing an international border, but you should bring their records whether you’re traveling 100 miles or 1,000 in case of an emergency. If you end up needing to board your dog at a new kennel anytime during the trip, you’ll likely have to present that paperwork before they will allow your pup to stay for the day.

4.Something to Help Them Relax

Many dogs get anxious when their routine changes. If your pup has anxiety around new people, in new places, or when traveling in general, you’ll want to do everything you can to make them more comfortable. A calming voice and puppy cuddles work great for small bouts of anxiety, but sometimes your pup needs a little extra help. If you know your dog will be anxious during the trip, consider bringing some CBD supplements to help relieve their anxiety when they start to feel nervous or when they can’t seem to relax during a long car ride.

5.Safety Restraints for the Car Ride



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