The 10-Step Puppy Care Guide

So you’re going to become a parent to an adorable new puppy – what could be more exciting! But be cautioned; parenting a new puppy is no walk in the park. Puppy care can be all at once fun, stressful, and rewarding; and bringing a new puppy home takes a lot of preparation, work, patience, and love. The good news is that if you do it right, it can be a wonderful experience. Read on to learn the 10 most important steps to care for your new puppy.

10 tips for getting a new puppy - puppy care guide infographic

1) Puppy-proof your home

Anyone who has welcomed a new baby or toddler into their home knows that there are certain everyday items which need to be removed and kept out of reach for the safety and care of the youngster. Like babies and small children, puppies are naturally curious, and will explore their new territory and its contents. This could mean getting themselves into potentially dangerous situations!

To create a safe space, start by designating or fencing off one part of the home, which will become your puppy’s new territory for their first few months. Then make sure the following items are out of reach from your new puppy:

  • Electrical items and cords
  • Chemicals and toxins
  • Plants
  • Rugs
  • Breakables
  • Valuables
  • Trash

Additionally be sure to sweep or vacuum the area frequently to remove any small hazards, and keep the area clean and tidy so your puppy can safely enjoy his new environment.



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