The Most Dog-Friendly Places in the UK

Summer is here, and, for dog owners, that means more adventures with our favourite four-legged friends! Whether you want to take your pooch for a nice long walk in the park, along the beach, or if you want to go all out and enjoy a staycation together, the UK is home to plenty of dog-friendly places to explore.

Since 27% of UK adults own a dog, we took it upon ourselves, here at Pooch and Mutt, to find out where the most dog-friendly places are in the UK, including parks, restaurants, hotels and even where to go to take part in some unique activities together.

To do this, we scraped the number of dog-friendly places on Bring Fido, by every city in the UK (76 cities) to determine the most popular regions as well as the best dog-friendly cities. We then scraped the number of listings on each page per metric within a 40km radius. Keep reading to discover the results and find out where you should be taking your dog this summer!

most dog friendly places in the uk

Top 10 Most Dog-Friendly Places in the UK?

Coming out on top, the best dog-friendly region to be in the UK is the West Midlands! With a grand total of 368 dog-friendly hotels, restaurants, parks and other fun activities, there’s an abundance of places to keep both you and your dog occupied. The South West of England was a close second with a total of 351 dog-friendly places, while Scotland came in 3rd.

Of course, when it came to the most dog-friendly cities, the City of London was the clear winner thanks to its wide variety of other activities. This was followed closely by St Albans in the East of England and Birmingham, all of which are fantastic places to take your dog out for the day.



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