The Side Effects of CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats

The health benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) have made it all the rage lately. More and more people and pet owners are beginning to uncover the magic of CBD products like CBD oil and pet CBD treats and all of their natural healing properties and benefits.

Before giving your dog CBD, you need to know what CBD is, the role it plays in health, etc. As well, you need to know that research regarding CBD and its benefits, along with the potential side effects, has not been heavily investigated in many dog and cat studies. Most of the participants of research on CBD and CBD products side effects have been people with animal studies mainly on rats. As such, if you’re interested in using CBD oil for yourself, this article will have a lot of information for you. Many pet owners are taking CBD just as much as they are giving it to their dog or cat.


1. Can Your Dog Overdose From CBD?(Video)

2. Safety Concerns about CBD for Dogs and Cats: What is CBD?

3. CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats: Side Effects

4. What are the Risks of CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats?

5. Where to Buy CBD Oil for Cats and Dogs

However, Something to keep in mind is that cats, dogs, and people have very similar immune systems, brain pathways, and internal organ functioning. These minor different though incredibly similar commonalities mean that people parallel cats and dogs more than you might have previously thought. The few studies on CBD and dogs back this up.

With people responding to CBD in the same way that dogs and cats do, the outcomes of research and studies that focused on people’s use of CBD can be applied to the reactions that pets have to CBD. But the question remains: are CBD products safe for our pets?

As a pet owner, your biggest concern when it comes to your cat or dog is always their health. It can be scary to think about introducing something new to your pet without knowing everything there is to know about the product, especially when it comes to CBD oil. Don’t worry we were the same way.

To release the hesitation and fear associated with trying CBD oil for cats and dogs, we suggest staying up-to-date on the latest findings and most current information. After all, there is already such a discrepancy between what people believe about CBD oil for pets and what is actually true of the substance.

How do you know if your pet will react positively to CBD oil? Well, you will never truly know until you give it a try, but our article will leave you calmer and more assured if you opt into CBD oil for dogs and cats or another similar CBD product. First, let’s dive into CBD oil and what it really is, and then we can talk more about the potential side effects of CBD and CBD products on dogs and cats.

Safety Concerns about CBD for Dogs and Cats: What is CBD?

Before using CBD oil for yourself or giving your dog CBD, it’s important to understand what CBD is. CBD is the shorthand version of a substance and a cannabinoid compound called cannabidiol. Since CBD is still on the rise, there are many misunderstandings that surround this plant-based soothing oil. As an alternative to THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, CBD can’t cause a high and presents significantly lower potential side effects.

In total, there are 113 known cannabinoids that have been found in cannabis which includes both hemp and marijuana plants to date. While CBD is derived from cannabis plants and sometimes marijuana plants, this is not what causes the feeling of being high that people associated with marijuana and cannabis. Marijuana itself does not cause changes in the brain, and subsequently, in the body. Instead, the actual cannabinoids that are extracted from these plants are what does or does not create the feeling of being high.

But believe it or not, out of all the cannabinoids, there is only one cannabinoid found in cannabis that’s concentrated enough that, when consumed, causes the high sensation. That cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol, which CBD products legally have to contain little to no THC. In the U.S., CBD products are legally allowed to contain trace amounts of it(0.3% or less). This is why it’s usually derived from hemp as hemp is naturally low in THC vs marijuana. Never will this percentage be enough to create psychoactive effects in your pets and nowhere near enough to cause a toxicity. But it is good to be aware of your pet’s reaction to even the smallest doses of THC as they are possible side effects with it.

If your dog or cat has negative reactions to even the smallest amounts of THC, hope is not lost. Instead of looking for CBD, you can modify your search for pure CBD oil for pets. Pure and organic CBD comes straight from the hemp plant, rather than a marijuana plant. Hemp greatly eradicates any possibility that the CBD oil for dogs and cats can contain enough THC for possible side effects. Then, a reputable company will test their CBD for absolute safety.



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