Using CBD Oil For Dogs with Cancer: What You Need To Know

Many of us are unfortunately all too well aware that cancer is a killer, but did you know it’s the leading cause of death in dogs ages ten and older? From risks to costs to decisions we’re never prepared to make, helping our dogs with cancer leaves many of us lost and confused. But we want you to know that experts believe about half of all cancers are curable. However, this is only if they are found early and given the proper treatment.

To help, we will be covering several major cancers common in dogs. We’ll go over the early signs and prevention of cancer. Last we’ll talk about how we can help dogs with cancer manage the side effects from common treatments like chemotherapy.

What is CBD Oil and How Does It Help With Dogs’ Cancer?

Known more formally as cannabidiol, CBD is a cannabis-derived liquid that offers a myriad of health benefits for dogs with cancer. When cancer strikes, dogs are left to battle very draining side effects. It can become strenuous to fight cancer daily, but CBD can help make the journey a bit more comfortable.

Using CBD Oil For Cancer | Innovet Pet

Just as people use medical marijuana to assist with health-related pain, pet CBD oil can be used similarly.

In a way, CBD is like medical marijuana for dogs that have cancer without the intoxicating effects. CBD helps with dog cancer in two main ways…

  • Provides symptom relief
  • Botanical extract supplement treatment options

Symptom Relief

One of the most appealing characteristics of CBD for dogs with cancer is that it may help promote pain relief for dogs experiencing discomfort. There are many different side effects of not only cancer itself but of the methods of treating cancer in dogs, too. It can be incredibly difficult to watch our pets struggle with both cancer and the treatment for it, but rest assure pet parents, CBD may be able to provide a wealth of benefits.

The symptoms that each dog encounters will be unique to each dog, but some of the most common symptoms of canine cancer are:

  • Raised bumps under the skin
  • Difficulty breathing after exercise
  • Hard time breathing at leisure
  • Snoring or signs of sleep apnea
  • Unusual scents coming from the mouth
  • An odd-smelling coat
  • Open wounds that won’t heal on their own
  • Little to no appetite
  • No interest in eating favorite snacks
  • Excessive sleeping/naps
  • Low energy and disinterest in surroundings
  • Inability to urinate like usual
  • Clear signs of pain in your dog


It’s necessary to remember that this is not a cancer treatment. For emphasis, CBD cannot treat cancer in dogs. It will not stop cancerous cells from growing, nor will it halt the progression of metastatic cancer cells in dogs. Instead of being a treatment, CBD is a way to relieve the not-so-great side effects of going through cancer treatment.

From chemotherapy and radiation to possible surgical removals and amputations, treatment options for dogs with cancer can become quite intense. CBD can be thought of as a healthy coping mechanism. By supporting pain and minimizing discomfort, CBD helps keep your dog comfortable while going through the motions of cancer treatment therapies.


When dogs become cancer-free after fighting cancerous cells in their body, they enter a phase known as remission. The hope is that your dog will stay in remission for the rest of their lives. Now, just as CBD cannot treat cancer, CBD for dogs with cancer cannot prevent your dog’s body from growing cancerous cells in the future.

As amazing as this is for cancerous dogs, please consult with your dog’s veterinarian before administering CBD to your pet consistently. Researchers and scientists are still trying to fully understand how CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system of dogs. Abbreviated as the ECS, the endocannabinoid system is an internal network — similar to the immune system or the lymphatic system, to name some examples — that focuses on breaking down cannabis compounds.

Types of Cancer in Dogs

Not all canine cancer is the same. While these are not the only five types of cancer in dogs, we’re going to zero in on the most common cancers seen in dogs every year. These five types of cancer in dogs are:



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