What are the Benefits of Collagen for Dogs?

Pet care goes beyond regular baths and cute selfies. As a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your dog is getting the necessary nutrition and supplements for maximum wellness.

Just as you relish the benefits of different supplements in your diet and skin care, these can also be beneficial for your furry friend. Supplements like collagen can promote healthy bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, fur, and nail growth for your dog.

Still not convinced? Read on for the ultimate guide on collagen safety, benefits, and products for dogs.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body. For our pets, collagen makes up 30% of the total proteins in their bodies. It is typically found in the connective tissues such as the bones, muscles, skin, blood vessels, tendons, and even the digestive system.

Is Collagen Safe for Dogs?

Yes, collagen is safe for your dog. Collagen chews and supplements can be ingested easily by any pet, and are used to treat and prevent a variety of health issues.

What are the Benefits of Collagen?

Adding collagen to your pet’s diet can be loaded with several benefits, including:

  1. Collagen helps prevent injuries 

About 70 to 90 percent of the tendons, ligaments, and muscles of a dog are made up of collagen. Hence, the strength of their joints is determined by its presence. A lack of collagen may cause the connective tissues to loosen, making your pet more prone to injuries like:

  • patellar subluxations
  • elbow and hip dysplasia
  • torn ligaments

Adding a collagen stick to your pet’s diet will not only improve their joint strength but work to prevent the injuries mentioned above from occurring.

  1. Collagen boosts appetite

Don’t you love it when your pet attacks their meal with gusto? When your usually hungry pet is hesitant to touch their food, it can be a health red flag.

If your dog starts exhibiting a loss of appetite, it might be time to add collagen sticks to the mix.

Collagen is shown to boost desire and excitement for mealtime, so your dog will be back to munching in no time!

  1. Collagens aids in age-related joint pain

As dogs get older, they experience a loss of collagen in their connective tissues. This causes them to experience common pains such as arthritis, tendonitis, and degenerative disc diseases.

By incorporating collagen into your senior pet’s diet, their joints can remain healthy and strong, delaying age-related pain. As a great hip and joint supplement, collagen ensures your old dog can play around like a puppy again.



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