Why Do Dogs Destroy Toys?

Have you ever wondered why do dogs destroy toys? He’s merely doing what dogs were born to do, but you can help him overcome this behavior.

Puppies and dogs chew on things throughout their lives. For young dogs, chewing’s a way to relieve the pain of incoming teeth. Older dogs do it to keep their teeth clean and jaws strong. Chewing can also be a great way to help a dog cope with mild anxiety or frustration.

But when puppies and adult dogs engage in what experts call “destructive chewing,” there’s often something else going on.

Why Dogs Destroy Their Toys

No matter what their size or breed, nearly every dog loves toys! But it isn’t normal behavior for them to consistently destroy them. As destructive chewing isn’t without its dangers, it’s worth exploring what might be causing the behavior.

  • Do you often return home to “toy disasters?” Dogs who only destroy their toys when left home alone are likely experiencing separation anxiety.
  • If your pet is on a calorie-restricted diet, he may chew and destroy his toys in an attempt to find more nutrition.
  • Bored dogs who don’t get the physical and mental stimulation exercise brings frequently look for ways to entertain themselves, including destroying their playthings.

Lastly, believe it or not, pet parents often encourage toy destruction! How? Many people find their new puppy’s aggressiveness with toys adorable, so they unknowingly prolong the behavior, and their pet comes to see it as a game.

How to Get Your Dog To Stop Destroying His Toys

Getting your pet to stop destroying stuffed items is essential to his health and well-being. For instance, if your dog eats the stuffing or accidentally swallows the squeak component, he could choke on them. They might also cause a bowel obstruction that requires surgery.

Here are a few tips experts recommend for managing or reducing your dog’s destructive chewing.



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