Why do dogs sniff on a walk? Thank you for asking

We all know what it’s like when you run your dog out for a walk and he stops to sniff every few steps. The thrilling feeling of victory when you get the pee + poo and can go back inside. Especially now that it’s getting colder out, our inclination can be to rush the walks. We are here to tell you to slow your roll and let your furry friend take it all in. There actually are benefits to it!

The Snout

Dogs can smell up to 100,000 times better than humans. Smelling is how dogs interact with the world. According to Dr. Jennifer Coates DVM, dogs devote 40 times more brain volume to decoding smells than humans do. It’s near impossible for us to relate to a dog’s sensitivity to scent. The closest equivalent would be to human site. Dogs use smell to understand their environment. Dogs need to sniff in the same way that they need exercise and socialization.

Dogs can be trained to sniff out bedbugs, bombs, solve crimes and sniff out diseases. It’s almost incomprehensible for humans to understand how much those cute noses can do.

The Butt

It can be embarrassing when your pooch immediately smells another’s dog nether region. Try looking at it like a human handshake. It’s their way of figuring out if a dog is male or female, if their familiar, friendly, if they are near or far etc… Essentially, smelling a dog’s butt puts your dog at ease. Even dogs who live together often smell each other’s rumps. It’s just them saying “yup, you’re still my sister”. Just like when your significant other starts using a different shampoo or perfume and your first thought is “you don’t smell like you”. Dogs do the exact same thing.



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