Scratching and itching, discomfort, upset stomach, red eyes: These common allergy symptoms don’t just affect you. These are all common signs that a dog may be reacting to something and are one of the top three reasons a dog visits the vet.
Allergy Test My Pet, part of the DNA My Dog Genetic Testing Group, now offers an affordable solution for getting to the bottom of the sensitivities that affect so many dogs. Testing reactions to over 100 food and environmental items will help pet parents discover the intolerances that may be making their dog miserable.
From common food ingredients and pet supplements, environmental triggers to everyday household items including cleaners and laundry detergent there are a number of factors that dogs can react to. Even simple environmental allergens such as tobacco and dust mites can cause owners to spend hundreds of dollars in vet bills, expensive medications and special foods.
“Many dog owners don’t consider that their pet is on the ground all the time. Popular cleaning products are often a contributor to itchy skin and discomfort for many dogs. Sometimes just changing your cleaning products to something a dog can tolerate is the easy answer,” says Mindy Tenenbaum, President of Allergy Test My Pet. This information can save dog owners thousands of dollars in vet fees, medications and costly foods designed for dogs with allergies.