Dog Nausea & Natural Remedies

Dogs are resilient, loveable animals who have been a part of human history for centuries. According to Archaeology Magazine, the earliest potential dog remains, first excavated from the Goyet Cave in Belgium, can be dated as far back as 31,700 years ago. For certain, dogs have been around for at least 10,000 years, playing a vital role in early humans’ hunting, rituals, and general companionship.

While it seems like dogs can eat just about anything and survive just fine, they can experience nausea just like you. Let’s a closer look at dog nausea, what causes it, and some natural remedies to help ease the symptoms.

Dog Nausea

The Mechanisms of Dog Nausea

As common as nausea is in dogs, properly diagnosing and treating nausea in dogs can be difficult. That’s because it’s generally a subjective experience that involves emotional, physical, and physiological symptoms. While humans can often tell you when they’re feeling nauseous, dogs can’t exactly speak up about how they’re feeling until they’re already vomiting. This has made it difficult for researchers to properly study nausea in animals.

Objective means of measuring nausea can prevent proper diagnosis. More often, it comes down to any abnormal or sudden irregular behaviors you notice in your pup.

Causes of Nausea in Dogs

Nausea in dogs can be caused by a wide range of factors. Much like nausea in humans, dog nausea is often diet-related. This could be anything from eating too much food or eating too quickly to changing your dog’s diet or feeding them something they shouldn’t have eaten. Dogs can also suffer nausea as a result of motion sickness, like from riding a car or chasing a tail.

Other common causes of nausea in dogs include:

Nausea isn’t breed specific, so from Boston Terrier to Newfoundlands, you can expect generally the same chance of your dog succumbing to nausea. However, you can expect older dogs to be more susceptible to nausea than younger pups.

Causes of Dog Nausea

Symptoms of Nausea in Dogs

To be clear, nausea is a symptom in itself that could point to other conditions, but it does come with certain signs and symptoms, including:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Consistent licking
  • Consistent chewing
  • Dry heaving

Nausea is most commonly noted by vomiting or diarrhea. Remember that nausea can point to a more serious condition. Isolated incidents of vomiting are common in a dog’s life and aren’t always a cause for concern. As long as your dog maintains a good appetite and isn’t uncharacteristically lethargic, you shouldn’t have to worry too much. However, consistent diarrhea or vomiting can point to a sick dog. Thankfully, there are numerous natural remedies that can soothe your dog’s nausea and help it feel better.



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