Get your dog pub ready

It’s been a while – but this week the shackles are starting to fall off, the shutters are up, and the pub gardens are open. And if you’re planning a trip to your local, you might also be taking your dog along with you. Neither of you have been in this kind of social (potentially crowded) situation for a while, so here are a few things to help keep your dog calm (and ultimately enjoy a stress-free drink).

Take a few extras

The weather is all over the place at the moment. So we’d definitely recommend taking a blanket with you – not only will it keep them warm when the sun goes down, the familiar home-smell will keep them calm too. We’d also suggest taking your own water bowl with you (then you don’t have to share the pub’s). And also take treats/toys to keep them occupied – something that holds a tasty morsel and takes a lot of chewing to get it out is probably a good idea.



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