All about cat kneading

Cats make wonderful companions, but they also do strange things we don’t always understand. You may notice your cat “making biscuits” or kneading on your lap or a blanket. This behavior is completely normal in cats. It’s an inborn behavior that kittens carry into their adulthood. So, why do cats knead?

What is kneading?

If you are a cat owner or have spent any time around cats, you have probably witnessed kneading. Also known as “making biscuits,” kneading is when cats push their paws down on a soft surface, alternating each one in a rhythmic pattern—like a baker kneading dough before putting it into the oven.

It may appear to be a strange habit, but kneading is a very common and normal behavior of cats of all ages. Some cats use their claws when kneading, others don’t. Some felines knead the laps of their humans while others may paw at pillows, couch cushions, or any soft surface.

Why do cats knead?

There’s no confirmed reason why cats knead, but there are some theories behind this feline activity:

Getting comfortable – Similar to dogs turning in circles before lying down, kneading may help cats create a safe and comfortable sleeping place. In the wild, your cat’s feline ancestors needed to flatten out resting areas to make them more comfortable and detect any unseen hazards before a nap, so the American Animal Hospital Association notes that kneading may be an ancient instinct. Once they’ve made themselves comfortable, they can rest easy (a cat’s favorite pastime!).

Showing affection – If your cat is curled up and kneading your lap while you’re petting them, they are returning the affection and telling you they you right back. It can be a compliment if a cat kneads on you, as it can mean that they trust and are comfortable around you. And you have most likely reinforced this behavior by either giving them pets or moving them aside. This positive association of “make biscuits on human’s lap, get attention” has trained your cat to repeat the behavior.

Stretching – Cats spend so much time napping, they need to stretch their legs every now and then. Kneading their paws is one of the many ways cats keep themselves limber until the next nap. The alternating motion of extending their limbs during kneading is a feline version of waking up their muscles and stimulating circulation.



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