Can Dogs Eat Kale and Is It Good for Them?

Like people, dogs are omnivores. And just like us, they’re healthier when they eat a diet that contains a variety of fruits and vegetables. But not all of the vegetables we eat are safe for dogs. So, what about kale? Can dogs eat kale safely?

Yes, healthy dogs can eat kale. In fact, kale and other cruciferous vegetables — like broccoli and Brussels sprouts — are among the best veggies you can give your furry friend. But if your dog has any health problems, you should talk to your vet first. Kale can make some canine health conditions worse.

It’s possible for your dog to have too much of a good thing, even when that thing is a superfood like kale. If you feed your dog too much, this veggie can disrupt their complete and balanced diet. And you should think twice before giving your dog leftover kale from last night’s salad.

We’ll tell you how to safely feed your dog kale, which health conditions may make kale bad for your dog, and the health benefits your pet could get from this leafy green.

How Can Dogs Eat Kale Safely?

Can dogs eat kale: kale leaves in a wooden bowl

Whenever you prepare vegetables for yourself, you take steps — like washing, chopping, and sometimes cooking — to make the veggies healthier and easier to eat. Preparing veggies for your dog is no different. Dogs can eat kale if it’s properly cleaned and served safely. Taking these steps before you share kale with your pooch will help keep them healthy.

Wash Kale Thoroughly

Kale ranks third in the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” — a list of the 12 types of produce that contain the most pesticides. Thoroughly washing kale helps remove some of the pesticide residue on this plant before you feed it to your pup.

Pet owners who have extra room in their budget can opt for organic produce instead of conventional. Choosing organic is the only way to ensure there’s no pesticide residue on your and your pet’s veggies.

But even when you choose organic, you should still give those greens a good wash. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), leafy greens, including kale, are a common source of E. coli and Salmonella, which can lead to food poisoning. Washing your greens can help remove harmful bacteria and prevent foodborne illness.

If you don’t enjoy washing and drying leafy greens, buy pre-washed kale to keep you and your dog safe. According to the CDC, pre-washed produce is ready to eat and doesn’t need to be washed again.



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