Root Vegetables for Dogs: Can Dogs Eat Beets?

Beets are one of those vegetables that people seem to either love or hate. These veggies — sometimes called beetroot — can be cooked, pickled, or eaten raw, and they’re used in all sorts of dishes from soups and stews to salads and casseroles. But whether or not you like beets, you might be wondering: Can dogs eat beets? Are they good for our dogs, or harmful?

Beets are root vegetables, and root vegetables are a mixed bag for our furry companions. Veggies like onions and garlic are root vegetables, and they can be highly toxic to our canine friends. On the other hand, some root vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes are very good for dogs and are often used in commercial dog food formulas.

So, where do pups stand with beets? Can dogs eat beets or not?

The answer is yes, dogs can eat beets. These vegetables are not toxic for dogs and actually offer various health benefits. However, feeding your dog beets does come with a few risks to be aware of, so you want to be sure you’re giving Fido this veggie in a safe manner. Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of beets, the risks, and how to give beets to your dog the right way.

Health Benefits of Beets for Dogs

Can dogs eat beets: person chopping some beetroot stems

Beets aren’t toxic for our dogs like other root vegetables, such as onions and garlic. And adding beets to your dog’s diet in a safe manner can help give them an added health boost because dogs can receive nutritional value from this veggie.



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