7 Strategies to Care for a Blind Dog

For humans who value their independence, blindness is devastating. Dogs, on the other hand, are fortunate in that humans can take their responsibilities as pet owners. There are many things you can do for your blind dog to make their life easier.

If you’re thinking about adopting a dog with vision loss or impairment it is important to understand how your pet’s care will need to change and be, as well as how you can help them.

Dogs can become blind for a variety of reasons, including medical conditions or simply old age.

If your dog’s vision isn’t likely to be restored, your veterinarian can also assist you.

They can give you tips on how to help your dog adjust to their new senses and provide you with the information you need to change your lifestyle to properly care for your dog.

Here are some things to think about and do to help your blind dog live a happy and healthy life.

Effective Communication

Blind pets may feel more vulnerable in unfamiliar situations or around strangers and other animals as well. Because blind pets are easily startled, you should speak with them first before touching them.

You can help your dog know where they are by using different sound techniques to help your blind pet compensate in this situation as well. Sound therapy can help your dog greatly in knowing and understanding the environment well.

You can develop certain vocal cues to guide them better in scenarios like if they are approached by a stranger or they are approaching danger. Hearing certain commands and voices can help your dog calm down during anxious situations. It can help with their vision loss greatly.

Creating a predictable environment

Because a dog who has lost or is losing their vision may feel vulnerable and anxious, it’s important to establish a daily routine as well as a safe, comfortable home environment for them.

You can reduce the risk of injury by blocking off stairs and covering sharp corners on furniture.

You can properly arrange your home environment, such as not leaving work tools, utensils, or your children’s toys in the middle of the house.

This way you can remove the potential hazards from the interior of your home.

Keeping their food and water bowls in the same place and not moving them around too much can greatly assist them.

Your pet will eventually develop a mental map of their territory and may learn to safely navigate stairs and other obstacles, but it’s best to be cautious because an injury can break their confidence.

Dangers posed by external environments

If your dog is blind they are more vulnerable to incoming traffic or any hazards like tripping over the blocks of footpath, etc.

Follow the same routine for your dog while you take them out for a walk so they become familiar and experienced and they don’t bump into something.

A blind harness that has a written text  telling strangers that your dog is blind can help with the situation as well.

You can also buy a blind dog halo. It is a circular device that sits on top of your dog’s head and assists them in navigating. If they accidentally bump into something like a pole or a fire hydrant, they can learn and navigate better with this device.

Over time, their confidence will improve, and they will be able to walk around more confidently, without injuring themselves.



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