Loose Stools in Cats

Yuck! No one wants to deal with stool problems of any kind with their pets. Loose stools can be a sign of many different diseases. Stools that become loose with potentially increased frequency and volume can become an issue. It’s the result of fecal material moving faster than usual through the intestines and therefore decreased absorption of water and nutrients.

Besides the obvious loose stools in the litter box, other signs may be a cat having accidents in the house because they can’t make it to the litter box fast enough. An owner may also see  loose stools stuck to a cat’s fur on their tail, hind legs, or anal region. If there is more than one cat in the house, it could be difficult to determine which one is having loose stools. There are many causes of loose stools such as bacteria, viruses, intestinal parasites, poisons, or food intolerances just to name a few. Your veterinarian will likely want you to bring in a fresh stool sample from the cat. Depending on what the veterinarian finds with the history and exam, they may want to do a further work-up. This could include bloodwork, x-rays, or ultrasound. Solutions for loose stools depends on the cause of the loose stools but could include prescription medications, supplements, or a diet change.



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