Artist – Mulga

DROOL: When do you feel you first found success in the world of art, and how have you grown since then?
Mulga: I launched myself into the world as an artist in 2012. I had my first art show, painted my first mural and started going to markets and selling tees with my art on them in that year. A couple of years before that, I did the digital thing by putting my drawing up on a blog page. After about two years of markets on the weekends and drawing every night and getting involved in whatever group art show I could, I quit my finance job to be a full-time artist in early 2014. That was a turning point and realizing one of my dreams of having a job I liked. I was lucky at the start that I was able to get involved in some cool projects that led to other projects. For example, I met a camera dude who worked at MTV in 2012 and that led to the first mural that I ever painted being filmed by MTV where they did a profile piece on me as an artist, that then led to me painting live at MTV parties in Melbourne and Sydney which led onto other cool projects.
Since then, I’ve continually tried to improve my art and I think that’s helped me get to collaborate with cool brands on some cool projects.



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