CBD oil has been thoroughly researched in a variety of ways over time. For three decades, researchers have turned their attention to the effects of CBD on dogs, and the initial research proves to be quite promising and helpful to a lot of pet owners.
The cannabis oil contains a wide array of medicinal benefits, but it does not have the psychoactive properties possessed by marijuana. The marijuana strain has been identified with 113 different types of CBD oil, and researchers want to process the oil, to make it more usable. Here at Dope Dog, we use this CBD oil to ensure your dog’s treats are helping them stay healthy and happy. So here’s everything you need to know about CBD and the benefits it provides.
Some dog owners might be wary about giving their dog cannabis tincture. After all, first-time users don’t want to try something that they don’t understand. Luckily, we have a lot of info to keep your mind at ease.
Before anything, think about the medical research and what it suggests for providing an adequate dosage for your dog. Pet owners can learn a lot just by reading the research on hand to get a better understanding of the oil. The medical community wants to share the information for those that are interested, and the process of using it is quite easy. With the oil’s positive impact and simplicity, dogs can benefit from correctly taking the CBD tincture.
The tincture can be easily administered to your canine companion, and the benefits of the tincture can be noticeable over time.
The CBD oil product might seem new and strange to some dog owners, but the manufacturer is doing a great job of providing the right set of information. It’s essential to request information and secure some top facts about these oils before offering it to Fido.
The dogs can benefit if the product is used in the right way. CBD oil has a lot of new advantages for owners to consider such as:
Alleviate anxiety and stress
Dogs can get stressed from travel, fireworks, and some dogs are even diagnosed with anxiety disorders. It’s hard to watch your dog struggle with these situations, which can result in whimpering, hiding, and heavy breathing. But CBD Oil is known to calm animals down, reducing your pet’s stress levels.
Mitigate chronic pain
Just like humans, dogs can suffer from illnesses that cause ongoing pain. The most common disease is osteoarthritis. Animals are good at hiding their discomfort, but some signs of chronic pain are panting, twitching muscles, and shaking.
Decrease chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation in dogs leads to muscle and joint pain. Symptoms are redness, swelling, and heat. Some things that lead to chronic inflammation are genetics, metabolic diseases, parasites, food allergies, and bacterial overgrowth.
Manage Arthritis & joint pain
Dogs can get arthritis as they age, making it harder to stay active. One in five dogs experience arthritis at some point in their life, making it quite common. The most common joint areas affected by arthritis in dogs are the hips, elbows, lower back, knees, and wrists.